Everything needed to start your racing career
It's not as hard as you think to get started...but once you do it's really hard to stop!
Are you ready?
Are you a Street rider that wants to safely explore the limits and enjoys competition?
Have track experience? A past racer? We welcome you!
The most important element for you as a new racer is to run consistent lines and be comfortable with being passed. The lap times will come, our first concern is the safety of you and your fellow racers.
Getting your race license
Before you can race you need to be licensed. Our New Racers school will provide the class room and on track learning to get on grid. The focus of our New Racer school is safety, and to pair you with a highly-experienced coach to provide the best start to your racing career!
Register for our next New Racers School event!
The 2025 New Racer seminar is being held at MotoPrimo on Sunday, March 23rd starting at 11am.
Race Prep for your Bike
There are key difference between a street bike and a bike ready for the track. Getting this work done ahead of time will save a lot of time and energy once you are at the track. See our Tech page for more information on safety wiring and prep, but your key source is the CRA Rulebook.
Don’t take shortcuts when race-prepping your bike: Simple, overlooked mistakes in preparation can create significant, and dangerous, issues on the track.
Prep for your Body
While good gear is not cheap, this is not an area you want to cut corners. Our ``The Starting Grid`` podcast talks about options to find good used gear. Key components are safety, comfort, and durability.
Increase your physical and mental riding skills: Take part in track days, seek instruction and assistance from the New Rider instructors and read about riding theory.
Prep for your Brain
Become very familiar with the CRA rulebook: This will specify how to prepare your bike, what classes your particular bike can race in, what equipment is required, and what is required as an applicant to race with the CRA. Most questions can be answered by the rule book. While racers and volunteers will no doubt answer any questions you have, it’s in your best interest to review the rule book first.
Participate in the CRA’s “Adopt-a-Newbie” program: You will be paired up with an experienced racer during your first race weekend to help the weekend be a much less hectic experience.

New Racer FAQ's
What do I need to do to get a race license?
To get your race license, new racers must:
- Pay for and attend the New racer school
- Complete the classroom and written test
- Attend New Rider only practice session(s) with On Track Instructors
- Understand and Demonstrate Safety Requirements
- Demonstrate Consistency and Predictability
- Participate and Satisfactorily perform in the New Rider Race
When can I take the new racer school?
- New Racer Schools and New Rider Races are typically held on the Friday of every race weekend except for the final race weekend of the season.
Can I race on my first weekend?
- YES – after successful completion of the New Racer School, you can race on the same weekend!
- NOTE: You cannot use the online preregistration to sign up for races until you pass your New Racer School.
How do I sign up for the New Racer School or Seminar?
- The 2025 New Racer seminar is being held at MotoPrimo on Sunday, March 23rd starting at 11am.
- Sign up at MotorsportsReg.com.
When can I get into the Track?
- Typically, the track will be open by 6pm on Thursday of a race weekend. Race registration will also be open that night. For more details, check the “Race Weekend Schedules” in the EVENTS section of the CRA website.
Where do I need to be for the New Racer School?
- At BIR, the classroom is the large building between the BIR Performance Driving School Garage and track entrance (Pit Zero). See the paddock maps at the end of this document for more details.
What time does New Racer School start?
- Typically the class starts at 7am – see the “Racer Weekend Schedules” for details.
What needs to be done to my bike for my first race weekend?
- Have your bike and gear ready to go through tech inspection when you arrive – See the CRA rulebook for details.
- We highly suggest arriving Thursday evening to setup your pit and get your bike and gear through Tech
Where can I set up my pit?
- At BIR, you can set up pits on the paddock tarmac, off the service roads, or on the go kart track.
- At BIR, if you would like to pit at an RV spot (with running water and electricity), you will need to pay additional fees to BIR (contact BIR for details)
- Note that most locations at BIR do not have shelter or power outlets – it is suggested to bring a pop up and generator.
I used to race with the CRA - do I still need to attend New Racer School?
- It depends on how long it has been since you raced. Check the CRA rulebook or contact the Racer Liaison at racerliaison@cra-mn.com for more details.
How do I get a race number?
- You can either sign up for a race number at the New Racer Seminar in the spring, or by contacting membership@cra-mn.com to get a number assigned to you.
What classes can I run?
- It depends on your bike – please see the Rulebook for details.
- Note: New racers cannot enter trophy dashes or endurance events on their first weekend.
- If you still have questions, contact the Racer Liaison at racerliaison@cra-mn.com.
- View the Class Structure page for additional information
I have race experience with another race organization – do I still need to attend New Racer School?
- If you have a current license with another recognized race organization, you don’t need to attend. See the CRA rulebook or contact the Racer Liaison at racerliaison@cra-mn.com for more details.
Do I need to work corners? I’m paying to be a racer, not volunteer!
- While not required, it is our experience that working corners is beneficial to learning as a racer. If you have a day where you are not planning on racing, please think about volunteering.
- No experience is necessary!
- Benefits of working a corner include:
- Better learn a corner – many fast racers have picked up tips and secrets on corners while standing behind a wall.
- In the rare event that you witness a crash, it will help to understand exactly what the corner workers are doing to respond to the situation and reinforce what racers should do.
- Earn volunteer points that count towards FREE SWAG!
- Make new friends and acquaintances.
- Understand what corner workers are doing and why
- Fully appreciate our AWESOME corner working staff!!
What is “working a corner"?
- The CRA is a 100% volunteer-run organization, and for rider safety, we have volunteers staffing every corner of the race track-aptly named “Corner Workers.”
- New racers are highly encouraged to volunteer as a corner worker during their new rider weekend.
- You can request a specific corner and the Flagging and Communications Chiefs will do their best to accommodate all requests, but a specific corner is not guaranteed.
- The following attire is required to work a corner:
- Long Pants (Jeans are ok, white pants are preferred) and a shirt
- Closed toed shoes
- Absolutely NO Red or Yellow clothing is allowed.
What if I am not sure I want to race but I want to learn more?
- Join us at the New Racer Seminar, usually held in March before every race season.
- Contact one of our Chief New Rider Instructors at coach@cra-mn.com
Still have questions?
- Read the CRA Rulebookfor more details.
- Contact the Racer Liaison at racerliaison@cra-mn.com.
- Contact one of our Chief New Rider Instructors at coach@cra-mn.com.