Dear CRA Racers (06-05-2012)

Posted: 5th June 2012 by Racer Liaison in Announcements, Racers
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Several inquiries were brought to the attention of the Board of Directors after the 2012 May CRA race weekend regarding incorrect class registration. The Board of Directors would like to remind all racers that it is their responsibility to register for the correct class as well as understand the class legalities of their machine(s). Although the Technical Inspectors perform pre-weekend and post Super Sport race inspections, it is not solely their responsibility to determine the legalities of each machine. In addition, it is not the responsibility of Race Registration to review each CRA participants class or machine correspondences. It is primarily the moral obligation of each racer and of their class competitors. The BOD will be making a revision to the 2012 Championship point standings regarding this specific instance. We strongly encourage each racer to follow the 2012 CRA rules for protesting unfair competition. Protest rules and requirements can be found in section 12 of the 2012 CRA rule book:

We are currently working on a complete revision of Section 12; Sub-5 of the 2012 CRA rule book to reflect a current pricing structure for protest fees. Please stay tuned as these revisions will be published shortly,

Thank you all for your time and consideration,
Racer Liaison
CRA #124E

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