We’ve just concluded the 2016 Board of Directors Election, and Anna Hanson and Dawn Olsen have both been elected. First, congratulations to them both.
However, Dawn has chosen to forego her term with the Board to focus on her Steward position. Because of this, we are in a position where we will be running another election cycle.
We are seeking nominations to fill this position. If you would like to nominate someone, or feel you would be a good board member, please submit your nomination no later than November 7. Submit your nominations to:
A letter will be sent to all nominees requesting their acceptance of the nomination, and biographical information they want to share with the voters. Given the short timeline here, plus the fact that there are not many members still receiving paper ballots, we will enclose the candidate(s) biographical info with the ballots. That same info will also be available on the eVoting site.
The date of record for this election is October 18th, meaning all CRA members as of that date are eligible to vote and will receive a ballot.
Those ballots will be sent out on or about November 14th. The actual election will occur as part of the membership/Board meeting on December 6th. Ballots must be in our possession by 8:00 PM that day to be counted.
If you received a paper ballot in the previous round and would prefer eVoting, please send me (secretary@cra-mn.com) your preferred email address and I will see to it.
-Clint Lee, CRA Secretary