Update for June Event

Posted: 27th May 2020 by President in Announcements
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After a special meeting with BIR ownership, our Chief Steward, and several Chiefs of specialty, we have come to a partial decision.  
There are many factors in play and the track is under great scrutiny about what events can happen, and how many participants and workers can be on BIR grounds. The situation is still a moving target for the track and for us.  
The CRA is planning to run SOME type of event on our scheduled weekend at BIR.  Exactly what that will depend on what is “allowed” by local, state, and federal restrictions.  As it stands at the moment “racing” is not allowed.  As we get to the 1st of June, we are hopeful to get more restrictions lifted. Until then, we are exploring ways to utilize any opportunity we have to run while staying within the guidelines laid out by the track, local, and state authorities.   
June pre-registration has been moved back one week (opening on June 6th), and will be left open all the way through to our event date. 

Thanks for your patience as we navigate our way back to the track.

Stay Safe, hope to see you all soon.

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