CRA Winter Social @ Invictus/Tipsy Steer

Posted: 20th January 2022 by Membership in Announcements
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Missing your track friends and race family? 

            Come join us for a social gathering at Invictus Brewing and the Tipsy Steer and get a drink on us.*

Saturday, February 26th 12 – 6p

2025 105th Ave NE

Blaine, MN 55449

*Participant must complete their CRA Membership before arrival; or during the event.  Reward will be in the form of a credit towards participants bill at Invictus or the Tipsy Steer Blaine up to $7.00.  Participant must be present during the event to claim reward.  Reward must be used during the event period.  Limit of one reward per CRA member.

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