Looking for new Chiefs of Contingency

Posted: 5th June 2012 by Worker Liaison in Announcements
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Hello racers and volunteers! As we begin another great season with CRA, the time has come to call out for volunteers to take on an important and rewarding role in the form of a Chief position/s. We are looking for two volunteers that would like to take on the Chief and Co Chief of Contingency job.

Both Aaron Collins and I are ready to pass on our duties to two people that would like to give back some time to the club in an important role for all of the racers, both expert and novice.  I speak for both of us when I say that we have enjoyed the work that we’ve done and want to find volunteers as dedicated as we have been to keeping the contingency program running strong. When we started our Chief positions, we had some simple goal in mind, to leave the contingency program in better shape than how we found it. I think we have achieved this, but there is still a lot of work to be done to continue and improve the program.

                We want the incoming Chiefs to have this same goal and motivation, as a good contingency program is very important for the overall health of the club. This rewarding position provides great experience in marketing, advertising and customer service(both racers and contingency companies). Most importantly you will have the honor of knowing you helped a variety of racers to stay on the track; racing is not cheap and contingency money sometimes is the make or break of some peoples budgets. Duties for this position include: Soliciting new sponsors during the off season, working to retain existing sponsors, working with each individual sponsor to establish their level of involvement, posting contingencies online, printing forms and providing them at the track, working with tech and providing support for issues regarding inspections, processing and providing event results to the sponsors both electronic and paper forms, and being available at the track (within reason) to address contingency issues and make announcements.

We are looking for volunteers and will make a decision after we have gathered a few names and reviewed it with the Board of Directors. If you are interested and have questions, please contact one of us and we will be happy to go into detail about what this involves.

Thank you!

Gabriel Blevins

Aaron Collins

Chief/Co Chief of Contingency

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