Membership forms 2011

Posted: 25th February 2011 by Membership in Announcements, Membership
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Hello all!

Membership and Medical Release  forms for the 2011 Race Season went out in the mail today. Although  the forms have been updated, there has been no changes in membership  pricing for the 2011 season. Current Racers…to secure  your 2010 racer number, you must have your completed Membership and  Medical Release forms postmarked no later that<strong> February 15, 2011</strong>.

New  Riders…Numbers will be issued after <strong>February 15</strong> on a first come first  serve basis, based upon postmark date.

Volunteers…If you are a  current CRA member you will be receiving a letter this week from the  President in the mail.

If you have any questions, please feel  free to contact me using the contact form below!

Anna Hansen – Director of Membership

[contact-form 4 “Membership”]

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