Volunteer Membership 2011

Posted: 25th February 2011 by Membership in Announcements, Membership, Volunteers
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In recognition of all the hard work our volunteers put into the club, we are announcing a new programs put into place for our volunteer staff. The change is based on the belief that our workers deserve membership to the club. Here is how it works, anyone who works one full weekend, or the equivalent of (three days), will be given a membership form. After that form is received and put on file you will be a member in 2011. Membership forms will be distributed on Sundays at the worker meetings. If one works the entire weekend in May, you will already have earned your membership. If you work part of the weekend, we will keep track of it so that you may earn your membership on a subsequent weekend. However, if it happens to be a year you cannot work for whatever reason, but still wish to support the club and receive your newsletter, you can still contact Membership Director Anna Hanson (membership@cra-mn.com). We will then send you a form and you can still join for the great value of $10 for volunteers. If you have any questions feel free to email me at workerliaison@cra-mn.com. As always, we wish to thank our volunteers for the support, commitment and fun they bring to our club. We would not exist without you.

Mark J. Metz
Worker Liaison
CRA Board of Directors

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