Update to the 2020 schedule.

Posted: 10th April 2020 by President in Announcements
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                After researching, reading, studying and much deliberation the board of directors has decided to cancel our May event.  We feel that this decision was the in the best interest of the health, safety and well being of our CRA family and their relatives at home.   This was not an easy decision as we are all very passionate about our CRA family and we all look forward to getting together as often as possible throughout the summer. 

                We had waited as long as possible for more information to be released about the stay at home orders, social distancing, CDC and MN Dept of Health recommendations.  The board felt after the governor’s extension that this was the right time to make and announce this decision so people can adjust plans and purchases, vacation time, etcetera.

                We remain very optimistic and hopeful that the rest of the CRA’s 50th Anniversary season will be able to run, and with extra enthusiasm after getting through this pandemic. 

God willing, we will see you all June 19-21 for our double sprint event hosting the CCS.

Stay healthy and safe.

President Brett Donahue

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