Posted: 3rd May 2022 by Membership in Announcements

Check out the rule book and make sure you are up to date on the CRA’s new race start procedure.


a) A first, second and third call to grid will be made prior to each
race. Motorcycles must gather at the grid gate at this time.
b) Motorcycles may enter the track when the four-minute board is
displayed and may then proceed around the track in normal
race direction prior to the three-minute board being displayed.
c) At the three-minute board the red light of the starting light will
, racers may not take the warm-up lap and must
take their assigned grid positions.
d) The two-minute board will be displayed at which time the At
the two-minute board,
motorcycles should be in their grid
positions. All crew members and others MUST leave the
track surface. The Grid Marshall Pit Zero shall close the
entrance gate. Riders who have not reported by that time
must start from Pit Zero immediately after the last wave, at
the direction of Pit Zero.
e) The one-minute board will be displayed vertically. Separate
classes run on the track at the same time may start in
separate waves. All riders NOT in the first wave must raise
their left hand to shoulder height or above. Any rider behind
the last row of the grid may not continue to his/her grid
position but must stop behind the last row and start with that

e) Once set, the Grid Marshall of the first wave will raise
their clipboard and walk off the track. All motorcycles in
the first wave should then get into gear. Separate
classes run on the track at the same time may start in
separate waves. All riders NOT in the first wave must
raise their left hand to shoulder height or above. Any
rider behind the last row of the grid may not continue to
their grid position but must stop behind the last row
and start with that wave.

f) Riders with stalled motorcycles will raise their arms and
remain in place. The rider’s crew must wait behind the
concrete wall or chain link fencing (where applicable) until
directed onto the track surface by the Grid Marshall.
g) When the Grid Marshall clears, the red Starting Lights
will go on.

h) The one-minute board will be rotated to the horizontal position.
All motorcycles in the first wave should be in gear.
The red
light on the Starting Lights will go off anytime within 10
seconds. When the light goes off, the race will have
i) If the race has two or more waves the red starting light will
illuminate again once the previous wave clears the starting
If the race has two or more waves, the Grid Marshall
holding the next wave will walk off the track and once
clear, the red Starting Lights will illuminate again.

j) These Start Procedures may be modified by the Race
k) A jump-start will result in a stop and go penalty. A Meatball
Flag and rider number will be displayed. If the rider fails to
stop at Pit Zero for the stop and go penalty, a one-lap penalty
will be assessed. Refer to JUMPING THE START under
Terminology for definition.”

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