CRA Volunteers Prep New Trailer!

Posted: 15th April 2011 by President in Volunteers

On a chilly morning in early April the CRA Course Marshals gathered at the home of Dennis Kronberg to customize the new CRA trailer. The work included emptying and sorting all the CRA gear from the old trailer, which due to its poor unsafe condition had to be brought down to the cities on a flatbed trailer.


Old CRA Trailer – It worked for years, but we’re glad to see it go!

The team got to work sealing the walls and floor of the new trailer, building customized racks for fire extinguishers, and brooms, and creating the workable layout for the efficient distribution and collection of the equipment around the track at each corner station.


Plenty of room for all of our gear!

 All this work wasn’t just some trial and error operation though. The team had been planning the layout for weeks ahead of time. Sharing emailed diagrams, pictures, and mocked up floor plans. By the time Saturday the 2nd rolled around they had a good idea what it would take to get the most out of the new trailer.



The brand new trailer was made possible due to financial planning by the 2010 and 2011 Board of directors, a gracious matching donation from Bob Fier Racing, discount pricing from Absolute Trailer Sales, and a portion of funds raised via the Sons of American Legion omelet breakfasts we all enjoy at the track.


Brand new CRA equipment trailer – 7 x 14 Haulmark

 As with most gatherings arranged and hosted by CRA Course, the day took on a party-like atmosphere complete with food and beverages provided.


The work progressed quickly including the cutting and welding of custom-built aluminum racks for brooms and fire bottles. Materials donated and expert welding performed by Brad Zajics ensured the Course team was able not only able to fit everything in, but arrange it exactly where they wanted it. Thanks Brad!


The welder!

When all was done, not only was the trailer organized better than ever, there was even some room left over. I may have misheard, but as I left I thought I heard something about adding a small refrigerator inside…to help preserve the frozen snacks they occasionally deliver to corners on hot days of course!

Thanks to all who came to help out. Hopefully I didn’t forget anyone: Terry, Dennis, Anne, Tracy, J.P., Jay, Brad, Matthew, and Ryan.


Part of the customization crew


Link to additional pictures:

  1. Kim Mattson says:

    Awesome work guys! The new trailer looks great!