Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

CRA Website Maintenance 2/27 & 2/28

Posted: 27th February 2014 by admin in Announcements
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The CRA website will be down for maintenance starting at 12:00PM CST on 2/27 through 2/28 for maintenance. We will be performing a slight re-design of the site to include easier navigation, updated content, etc. Our Message Board will still be available by visiting: If you have questions or concerns please email:

2014 Garage Stalls for Donneybrooke course

Posted: 30th January 2014 by Membership in Announcements, Membership
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I’ve uploaded a template for the garage stall reservation for the Donneybrooke course, please use this to select your options on your membership applicaiton for garage rental for June and September weekends.   Remember that while we will try to accommodate your request, garage stalls are given out based on trying to best share the […]

2014 Membership

Posted: 23rd January 2014 by Membership in Announcements, Membership

Welcome to 2014! All members from 2013 should have received their applications in the mail now, if you have not please let me know at  For those of you that have more than one member per household you may have received two or more applications in one envelope so please verify you have enough […]

September Tire Contingency

Posted: 9th October 2013 by Contingency in Announcements
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Posted here are Expert and Novice payouts for Bridgestone and Dunlop.  These are Saturday only, the 5 hour results will be up shortly.  Please verify your results and expected payouts for these two vendors.  If you see any issues please email CRA_Contingency_Novice 201309 CRA_Contingency_Expert 201309

Comments Off on 2013 Banquet and Pre-registration Information

Banquet Info: *Pre-registration will close on Friday, November 1 at 8PM Date: Saturday November 9, 2013 Time: 5PM: Social Hour 6PM: Dinner Awards presentation to follow dinner Location: Bogart’s Place, 14917 Garrett Ave, Apple Valley, 952-432-1515 The shopping cart is now open ( for pre-registration and will close on November 1 at 8PM. This year we […]

Comments Off on Wanted: CRA Video Footage

The CRA Board of Directors is looking for your video footage for our promotional video we are creating for the upcoming season. We are looking for any footage taken during a CRA event at BIR, racing or non-racing. If you have footage you would like to share, please connect with Jon Champ for uploading information. […]

Wooden Plaque Pre-Order

Posted: 1st October 2013 by Vice President in Announcements, Events, Racers
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The shopping cart is now open for wooden trophy plaques.  Please remember these are provided to racers at no charge and each racer will receive one brass plate for each podium finish. All plaques and plates should be picked up at the banquet on November 9, 2013 at Bogarts in Apple Valley, MN.  If  you need more […]

2013 Rules Forums

Posted: 19th September 2013 by Racer Liaison in Announcements, Member Polls
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We are beginning our rulebook review for the revised 2014 Rulebook.  If you would like to propose any changes, the rules forums are your opportunity to have ideas reviewed and considered.  All members are encouraged to attend one or all of these meetings (but you only need to attend a single forum to get ideas […]

Comments Off on August 2013 Bridgestone and Dunlop contingency payouts ready for review

Please take a look at the forms for Expert and Novice and let us know of any issues, this is Bridgestone and Dunlop only, all others will be tabulated over this weekend. Note: payouts are highlighted in greenr, based on finish position and vendor rules. If you do not see a green highlight you will […]

Comments Off on Notice of Contingency Requirements for 3-HR Team Challenge

3-HR Team Challenge Contingency Information As per previous years, there are some special requirements for the 3-HR Team challenge There will be a separate contingency claim form used for the 3-HR endurance race. Each bike on the Team must be inspected. All bikes must list for the same contingency, and therefore use the same products. This means, for example, that all bikes on the Team must run […]