Archive for the ‘Membership’ Category

September 2015 Pre-Registration

Posted: 28th August 2015 by Race Registration in Announcements, Membership, Race Registration
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Hello Racers! Pre-registration for the September event opens on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 8AM, any orders place prior will be canceled. Please contact Anna or Kim if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! Anna and Kim

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Racers, Please see the assignments and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks much, Anna CRA Garage Stalls Assignments- 071215

July Event Garages

Posted: 25th June 2015 by Race Registration in Announcements, Membership, Race Registration, Racers
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Racers, The July Event is on the Legendary BIR 3.1-mile Donnybrooke Road Course that opened in 1968, with the road course’s 10 turns, including Turn 1, a banked right-hand 60-degree turn that continues to be the fastest turn on any road course in the country. Being on the Donnybrooke Course, the CRA will have access to Garage A […]

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June 9, 2015 To: CRA and CCS Racers Re: CRA Store order payments   Hello Racers, First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for your patience regarding credit card payments through the CRA Store. As of 3:15 today, we are officially up and running with credit card payments through the CRA Store […]

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Good Morning Racers! Since we had an unexpected Website Domain issues yesterday, we are extending pre-registration for the June 2015 event. Pre-registration pricing will remain in effect until 8PM on Sunday, June 7, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact Kim or myself. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Anna Co-Chief Race Registration

2015 Membership Mailing

Posted: 17th January 2015 by Membership in Membership
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Good Morning! This morning all membership applications for past year members went into the mail. You should start seeing those in your mailbox in the next couple days. So, between now and then what do you need to know? This year the Membership Application and Medical Information Forms have been combined into a single downloadable […]

2014 CRA Rulebook Addendum

Posted: 4th April 2014 by Membership in Announcements, Membership, Racers

Below is a link to the Addendum to the 2014 Rulebook.  For those that have not yet received their membership info, a printed copy of this will be included in your packet.  Additional copies will be available at Tech during the May weekend. Please note that this Addendum supersedes the 2014 Rulebook in the areas […]

2014 Garage Stalls for Donneybrooke course

Posted: 30th January 2014 by Membership in Announcements, Membership
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I’ve uploaded a template for the garage stall reservation for the Donneybrooke course, please use this to select your options on your membership applicaiton for garage rental for June and September weekends.   Remember that while we will try to accommodate your request, garage stalls are given out based on trying to best share the […]

2014 Membership

Posted: 23rd January 2014 by Membership in Announcements, Membership

Welcome to 2014! All members from 2013 should have received their applications in the mail now, if you have not please let me know at  For those of you that have more than one member per household you may have received two or more applications in one envelope so please verify you have enough […]

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Banquet Info: *Pre-registration will close on Friday, November 1 at 8PM Date: Saturday November 9, 2013 Time: 5PM: Social Hour 6PM: Dinner Awards presentation to follow dinner Location: Bogart’s Place, 14917 Garrett Ave, Apple Valley, 952-432-1515 The shopping cart is now open ( for pre-registration and will close on November 1 at 8PM. This year we […]