Archive for the ‘Volunteers’ Category

2012 Election Update

Posted: 8th September 2012 by Secretary in Announcements, Elections, Membership, Racers, Volunteers
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Ballots were mailed to the membership on 8/31.  If you are a current member and have not received your ballot yet, it is likely you have had an address change and it has been sent back to us.  I am working to get those re-routed if another address has been provided. If you are coming […]


Posted: 3rd August 2012 by Secretary in Announcements, Elections, Membership, Racers, Volunteers

The 2012 Board of Directors election has been set for Tuesday, October 2nd.  The Date of Record has been determined to be August 19th. This is the date at which point you must be a member to vote. Any memberships received after August 19th will not be eligible to vote. More information regarding the election […]

2011 Awards Banquet

Posted: 20th September 2011 by Vice President in Announcements, Events, Membership, Racers, Volunteers
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Date: Saturday October 22 Time: 5:00 – Social Hour, 6:00 – Dinner, 7:00 – Awards Location: Grumpy’s Roseville Cost: $15 if pre-registered, $20 at the door (first come first served basis on food) Please stay tuned for registration information to be announced in the next couple weeks!  

CRA Volunteers Prep New Trailer!

Posted: 15th April 2011 by President in Volunteers

On a chilly morning in early April the CRA Course Marshals gathered at the home of Dennis Kronberg to customize the new CRA trailer. The work included emptying and sorting all the CRA gear from the old trailer, which due to its poor unsafe condition had to be brought down to the cities on a […]

Volunteer Membership 2011

Posted: 25th February 2011 by Membership in Announcements, Membership, Volunteers
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In recognition of all the hard work our volunteers put into the club, we are announcing a new programs put into place for our volunteer staff. The change is based on the belief that our workers deserve membership to the club. Here is how it works, anyone who works one full weekend, or the equivalent […]