2020 End of Season Volunteer Points

Posted: November 8, 2020 by Worker Liaison in Announcements, Membership, Volunteers

Here are the volunteer points as of the end of the 2020 season. Please email me at workerliaison@cra-mn.com with any questions. Thanks!

NAME Last, FirstTotal PointsAward Level Status
Altrichter, Carol506
Anderson, Aaron8575 pt
Anderson, Don488
Andrew, Michael131
Anton, Cathy218200 pt
Anton, Jerry369
Ashton, JonPaul276
Austin, Thomas J.17
Baillargeon, Bee89
Baillargeon, Mike189
Bastien, Adam106100 pt
Bastien, Jennifer108100 pt
Bastien, Pamela65
Baumeister, Dillon4
Beamer, Curt128
Berquist, Scott8
Bettenhausen, Dan189
Bettenhausen, Danielle (Kranz)41
Bhagat, Aftab1
Bissett, Chad44
Bissett, Daytona18
Blomstrom, Arina40
Blossom, Beth302300 pt
Bohn, Roxie2
Borchert, Brandon115
Borne, Andy74
Brandstrom, Tucker26
Britton, Ken147
Brown, William34
Buren, Max20
Buren, Wess32
Carlson, Tom13
Cataract, Jade25
Cataract, Tracy16
Chambers, Derek2
Champ, Jon276
Champ, Katie184
Checoliaski, Amarach1
Christianson, Thor5
Clark, Brandon2
Clark, Tanner11
Conway, Nick4
Cook, Randy2
Craft, Katie10
Curry, Jared4
Dargis, Mark4325 pt
Davis, Julie4125 pt
DeGroat, Jason1
DeNio, Donald18
Devann, Erik32
Diedrich, Lexi6050 pt
Doehling, Otto2525 pt
Dombovy, Shane6
Donahue, Ashley17
Donahue, Brett131
Donahue, Mitchell19
Donahue, Patty60
Dotson, Nathan37
Doucette, Brianna3
Doucette, Brittany6
Doucette, Jessica10
Doyle, Eric2
Ehlers, Jason283
Estenson, Leif30
Fickel, Dane4
Fisk, Mark328300 pt
Fisk, Phil138
Fisk, Sam9
Fors, Ryan28
Fransen, Lindsey5750 pt
Franz, Amanda (Moran)34
Franz, Jeff12
Franz, Kyle4
Full, Jonny6
Gonsier, Ryan19
Goset, Jane37
Goset, Noah3025 pt
Goslinga, Terry346300 pt
Grant, Kristen2
Green, Logan9
Guckin, Tate47
Hanson, Anna439
Hanson, Dave19
Hanson, Roslyn135
Harein, Josh7
Harms, Simon4
Hass, Kendra3
Hendricks, Mason2
Hendrickson, Keith37
Henkel, Chris3
Hinnenkamp, Joshua2
Hoff, David352
Hoff, Nathan2625 pt
Hollingsworth, Delray9575 pt
Holte, Martin8675 pt
Holweger, Shawn12
Huber, Jason189
Hughes, Zach42
Hull, Zachary2
Hurley, Catherine141
Hurley, Travis2
Husman, Cheryl2
Ide, Ryan618600 pt
Illies, Brody2
Indovina, Andrew37
Ingebritson, Lindsay (Kieffer)108
Irwin, Alec2
Irwin, Jessica2
Jenkins, Andrew2
Jensen, Paul4325 pt
Jensen, Ward133
Johnson, Aimee144
Johnson, Alice4
Johnson, David209
Johnson, Marlin20
Johnson, Mike24
Johnson, Randall11
Johnson, Scott5750 pt
Johnson, Tim5750 pt
Johnson, Zack12
Jones, Melody2
Juntenen, Dave3
Kamrath, Will6
Keavney, Shane102100 pt
Keller, Michael11
Kitzmiller, Jim529
Klien, Si9875 pt
Knight, Daniel2
Knoll, Mike74
Konicek, Roy1
Koshenina, Brandon8175 pt
Kowalczyk, Allison (AJ) (Thomas)76
Kowalczyk, Brian124
Krech, Aaron85
Kreller, Brad6
Kreller, Cameron15
Krile, Robyn5050 pt
Kronberg, Dennis530
Kruse, Andy43
Lachmiller, Billy (Bryan)22
LaPlume, Andre279
Larson, Kelly29
Lee, Clint273
Lee, Logan2
Leishman, Denise3
Leishman, Ivan8
Linn, Lawrence4
Loeken, Karissa11
Longendyke, Aly4
Lowe, Brandon1
Lunde, Shannon3225 pt
Mahlberg, Jaiden4
Mahto, Tony58
Malkerson, Abby17
Marquardt, Dennis3
Martinez, Maxwell Joel4
Mastain, Nicky21
Masterton, Scott138100 pt
Mataczynski, Dan19
Mattson, Alex24
Mattson, Brian487
Mattson, Kim443
McKenzie, Alex2
McMerty, Colin8
McMerty, Laurance2
McMerty, Lynn67
McMerty, Mike2
McNichols, Nate1
Medina, Stephanie7
Meis, Nicole97
Messmore, Ike5
Michaelson, J. Patrick21
Michaelson, James104100 pt
Miller, Clay2
Miller, William63
Morrison, Mike6
Mosher, Kurt269200 pt
Murphy, Caitlyn19
Myers, Christine18
Myers, Jon10
Naber, Joe1
Nadeau, Leif94
Nelson, Daniel97
Nelson, Jade42
Nelson, Jesse54
Nelson, Joel13
Nelson, Ryan6
Nelson, Ted21
Nielsen, Sarah (Boughten)57
Nielson, Ken7
Niesen, Heather21
Niesen, Thomas101100 pt
Nolan, Natalie1
Nolan, Ryan1
Northcutt, Alyssa46
Nystrom, Bill43
Oger, Pierre-Carl62
Ohnsorg, Kurt5
Olsen, Dawn714700 pt
Olsen, Toby473
Olson, Chris240
Olson, Eric8
Ornelas, Maritza2
Osberg, Marty100100 pt
Otto, Eric14
Otto, Matt6450 pt
Overman, Micah8
Ozurumba, Ike1
Paidosh, Chris7
Paidosh, Nick1
Pangier, Gavin4
Pangier, Josh14
Pangier, Megan15
Paron, Jasmine2
Pastorius, Alex2525 pt
Peterson, Tanner2
Phillips, Bryce1
Picken, Annie6
Plucky, Bill23
Pomrenke, Catie2625 pt
Porter, John6
Post, Elliot1
Prairie, Amy13
Quam, Jeff213
Raschke, Shem2
Rasmussen, Tim2
Ratcliffe, Cody7575 pt
Rephol, Karl63
Rickbeil, Myles66
Rogers, Brian8
Romans, Ralph (Rusty)4
Ross, Adam2
Roswick, John238
Roswick, Jonathan88
Ruud, Alisha2
Sawyer, Kisten2
Schaenzer, David6
Schauer, Alex4
Schenheit, Kelcey (Hanson)2
Schenheit, Sam3
Scherlin, Mike2
Schlegel, Gail2
Schmelzer, Eric3
Schmidt, Christian74
Schmidt, Jesse4
Schmidt, Katie8075 pt
Schmidt, Robin18
Schmotter, Jak22
Schuschke, Kurt143
Schwartz, Jonathan (Jes)6650 pt
Sechser, Raymond10
Sellers, Chase2725 pt
Sendy, Jim3
Seppelt, Greg203200 pt
Shumacher, Nate2
Silvis, John1
Skellenger, Kris8675 pt
Smiley, Michelle112
Smith, Mike183
Sobetski, Randy8975 pt
Sowers, Tateum2
Stafki, Paul (PR)11
Stall, Scott12
Stamboldjier, Jonathan2625 pt
Staub, Chris2
Staub, Wendy1
Stettnichs, Sean32
Stewart, Brady2
Stone, David2
Strandmark, Kristie2
Stroman, Dwayne227
Stuessi, Lee4
Swanson, Christian6
Tankson, Cary15
Thielen, Brandon145
Thinesen, John9
Thomas, Michelle4
Trombley, Luke92
Tuma, Samantha24
Tyykila, Scott17
Tyykila, Trent4
Vandelaarschot, Shylah6
VanderWeide, Jesse18
VanderWeide, Tuesday (Frankus)15
Veisberg, Karyna49
Vossberg, Billy22
Wagner, Jake1
Watkins, Austin1
Wegner, Dennis22
Weinke, Bruce6
Wermerskirchen, Mike3
Williams, Sara36
Williams, Scott218200 pt
Yang, Chue3

November 3, 2020 Membership Meeting

Posted: November 3, 2020 by Worker Liaison in Announcements, Membership

CRA Membership / BoD Meeting – 11/3 – 7pm
Tue, Nov 3, 2020 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (CST)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3112

Access Code: 116-889-877

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/116889877


Posted: October 6, 2020 by President in Announcements

Rules Forum.
Wed, Oct 7, 2020 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (CDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
– One-touch: tel:+14086503123,,955554629#

Access Code: 955-554-629

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/955554629

October 6th membership meeting log-in info.

Posted: October 6, 2020 by President in Announcements

October 6th Membership meeting
Tue, Oct 6, 2020 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM (CDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)

United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
– One-touch: tel:+12245013412,,130496165#

Access Code: 130-496-165

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/130496165

October Newsletter

Posted: September 27, 2020 by admin in Announcements


meeting log in.

Posted: September 23, 2020 by President in Announcements

Rules Forum 9/23
Wed, Sep 23, 2020 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (CDT)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412

Access Code: 976-805-005

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/976805005


Posted: September 21, 2020 by President in Announcements

Our first rules forum will be 9/23 at 7PM. Log-in information provided upon request to info@cra-mn.com All are welcome, CRA members in attendance will vote on these rule proposals to be considered by the board.

Please send rule proposals before the meeting so they can be put on the agenda. (racerliaison@cra-mn.com) Any proposals brought up at the meeting may be considered at the end of the meeting if there is time.

July Photo Contest Winners

Posted: September 1, 2020 by Worker Liaison in Announcements

last 2020 new rider school.

Posted: September 1, 2020 by President in Announcements

The last new rider school for 2020 will start at 7 am Friday, September 4th in the classroom near the 4 way stop between the two paved paddock areas. If you already attended the online class in April please report to the classroom at 8:30 am. Of course, if you would like a review of the April online session, you are welcome to come at 7 am.

We suggest getting to the track early enough on Thursday to get all of your paperwork taken care of and through tech with both your bike and gear. You will only have about an hour and a half between the class and your first session out on track. Do everything you can to prepare ahead of time.

It is important that all involved, both students and instructors be on time so we can stay on schedule. We have a lot of information to cover in a short amount of time. On behalf of Shane and myself, thank you.

Shane Keaveny
CRA Co-Chief NR Instructor

Pit Bike Races Friday September 4th

Posted: August 31, 2020 by Worker Liaison in Announcements